Congress Passes Budget With $10M for Lupus Research Program

Congress and passed and President Biden signed the 2024 spending bills, which include priorities that you, our advocates requested last March.  The Defense Appropriations bill includes $10 million for the Lupus Research Program within the Department of Defense.  And the Agriculture-FDA bill includes a provision expressing support for FDA’s engagement with industry and the lupus […] READ MORE

DoD’s Lupus Research Program – Created Through LRA Advocacy Leadership – Announces 12 New Grant Recipients

February 28, 2023 The Lupus Research Program (LRP) within the Department of Defense that you, our community, advocated to create, has recommended to fund 12 new applications for promising scientific studies to improve treatment for lupus. The dedicated Lupus Research Program was first established in 2017 under the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs operated by […] READ MORE

2022 LRA Advocacy a Success for Lupus Research

January 6, 2023 With the help of our advocates throughout the year, 2022 was a year of great action and accomplishment.  The budget for 2023 that Congress passed at year-end includes some very important funding and recognition for lupus: $10 Million for the Lupus Research Program – A longstanding priority for Lupus Research Alliance has been […] READ MORE

Make a Difference for Lupus Research in 60 Seconds!

November 10, 2022 As you probably know, the LRA and our advocates were highly instrumental in creating the Department of Defense Lupus Research Program in 2017 and in increasing its budget over the years since.  We are working to increase LRP funding even more to $15 million – and this is the time to make […] READ MORE

You Spoke and Congress Acted

March 15, 2022 Each year, Congress must allocate funds for the following year’s budget, and every year, we lead the advocacy effort for the additional funding needed for lupus research to produce better treatments and eliminate racial disparities in healthcare. Last March lupus advocates joined the LRA to submit formal Congressional Asks for Fiscal Year […] READ MORE

House Approves $10 Million for Lupus Research Funding!

July 31, 2020 In early July we alerted you that the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Defense Appropriations Bill was publicly announced with $10 million appropriated for the Lupus Research Program at the Department of Defense. We are thrilled to announce that the House of Representatives today passed this Bill! The many, many phone calls and […] READ MORE

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