
The Lupus Research Alliance is the world’s largest nongovernment funder of lupus research, with 100% of donations going to research programs because our Board of Directors funds all administrative and fundraising costs. The following is an overview of the Lupus Research Alliance’s income and expenditures for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023.

Revenue & Other Support:
Contributions $41,038,661
Other Support $7,048,797
Total Revenue & Other Support: $48,087,458

Program Expenditures:
Research $14,914,820
Scientific programs $12,221,275
Public policy $761,506
Total Program Expenditures: $27,897,601

Administration Expenditures: $3,107,200*
Fundraising Expenditures: $3,609,881*

End of Year Net Asset Balance: $75,313,644

*The LRA’s Supporting Services are covered by donations from its Board of Directors.

As of December 31, 2023, The Lupus Research Alliance has unrestricted financial reserves of approximately $48 million or about 1.5 times its most recent annual expenses, which totaled approximately $34.6 million. The majority of the $48 million is being held in a board designated endowment in order for the organization to have funds available for special research projects and is designated solely for lupus research.

For more information:

Read about the programs that support medical breakthroughs