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Tag: advocacy

Advocate for Lupus – Contact Your Legislators

  Advocate for Lupus – Contact Your Legislators! March 21, 2018 The color purple and the word lupus filled the halls of the U.S. Capitol yesterday as over 90 determined advocates visited nearly 100 representatives, senators and staff to share why we need their support for lupus research. And we thank the PA FUND for […] Read More

Advocacy on the Personal Level

“Advocacy has many forms, including taking action for one’s own health. It’s self-advocacy  — even though many would not think of their actions this way,” explains Diane Gross, National Director of Advocacy and Programs at the Lupus Research Alliance. “When patients hear that their insurance company is not going to pay for a medication and then […] Read More

Successful Advocacy Bringing Millions in Research Dollars to Lupus

June 28, 2018 With an overwhelming majority vote of 359 to 49, the House of Representatives just passed a bill to allocate $5 million to the Defense Department’s Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program for lupus in the 2019 budget.  This federal support of lupus research is a result of advocacy by lupus patients, organizations like […] Read More
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