Advocate for Lupus – Contact Your Legislators
Advocate for Lupus – Contact Your Legislators


Advocate for Lupus – Contact Your Legislators!

March 21, 2018

The color purple and the word lupus filled the halls of the U.S. Capitol yesterday as over 90 determined advocates visited nearly 100 representatives, senators and staff to share why we need their support for lupus research. And we thank the PA FUND for Patient Advocacy for providing scholarships to allow 15 young people to travel with us to DC and add their voices.

But that’s just a start. With your help, Congress can hear from thousands of lupus voices all week and beyond!

Visit the Lupus Research Alliance Legislative Action Center for easy-to-use tools to tell legislators why we need $38.4 billion for the National Institutes for Health to fund medical research and $10 million to continue a dedicated Lupus Research Program at the Department of Defense.

Tell them what your life with lupus is like and why we need research to free the world of lupus!

View photos from 2018 Advocacy Day


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