June 1, 2021
As Lupus Awareness Month 2021 has come to a close, LRA President Ken Farber takes a look at the many ways we came together to Lift Up Lupus. Take pride in all the lupus community accomplished and hope in the tremendous progress underway.
As Ken touched on, here are some of the month’s highlights we were able to achieve with your help:
While we close the books on another Lupus Awareness Month, the fighting spirit of Lift Up Lupus presses on ever stronger. Know that you are not alone – bringing together the power of the worldwide lupus research community, we are in it right alongside you and won’t stop until we turn the complexity of lupus into cure.
Look forward to more exciting news about research breakthroughs, drug development, diversity programs and fundraising successes.
Meanwhile, we ask that you write us to share your particular triumphs over lupus so others can cheer your victories and gain strength to achieve their own.