LRA Writes President Supporting Dr. Janet Woodcock for FDA Commissioner
LRA Writes President Supporting Dr. Janet Woodcock for FDA Commissioner

March 31, 2021

As part of the LRA’s mission to accelerate development and availability of much-needed new diagnostics and treatments for lupus, the organization’s President and CEO, Mr. Kenneth M. Farber, submitted a letter to President Joseph Biden to express LRA’s strong support for Dr. Janet Woodcock to be nominated for Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The letter emphasizes Dr. Woodcock’s ongoing sensitivity to patients’ needs and support of the LRA’s effort to accelerate the development of safe and effective therapies for people with lupus.

“I am confident she has the skills, passion, commitment and experience to be an outstanding FDA leader for all patients…Dr. Woodcock is a visionary leader who has time and again been the catalyst for positive change for patients.”

Click Here for the Full Letter


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