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Tag: NIH

Patient Involvement: The Next Critical Step

October, 2018 Certainly, advocacy is absolutely necessary to generate funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal organizations, as well as for groups that support and conduct lupus research. But patient involvement is also critical to opening pathways to discovery. “Just helping to raise money isn’t enough,” said Diane Gross, National Director of […] Read More

2022 LRA Advocacy a Success for Lupus Research

January 6, 2023 With the help of our advocates throughout the year, 2022 was a year of great action and accomplishment.  The budget for 2023 that Congress passed at year-end includes some very important funding and recognition for lupus: $10 Million for the Lupus Research Program – A longstanding priority for Lupus Research Alliance has been […] Read More

It’s Not Too Late to Advocate for Lupus Research!

March, 2020 Congress will be working on the Fiscal Year 2021 budget for weeks to come, so you can still make your voice heard for lupus research.  If you haven’t already, please go online TODAY and use the automated tools of our Legislative Action Center to tell legislators what lupus research means to their constituents […] Read More

Lupus Research Alliance Congratulates NIH on 5-Year AMP Success

February 28, 2019 NEW YORK, NY. As a co-sponsor of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) public-private Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP), the Lupus Research Alliance is proud to share the project’s five-year achievements reported in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.  In the article, NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins points to new technology standards AMP created for […] Read More
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