Collaborating and Sharing Ideas
Collaborating and Sharing Ideas

Throughout its history, the LRA has played a pivotal role in bringing together the key players in the fight against lupus and 2019 is no exception.

More than 100 of the world’s top scientists in lupus research and treatment gathered on October 20-22 for the LRA’s 2019 annual three-day Forum for Discovery scientific conference.

Researchers shared their promising discoveries funded by the LRA, sparking dynamic discussion and exchange of ideas that may well lead to the next breakthrough.

At the conclusion of his presentation on metabolic networks and unbiased genetic screens to identify targets for lupus, Jeffrey Rathmell, PhD, stressed the inestimable value of the Forum for Discovery gathering.

“The diversity and promise of the science discussed at this meeting are impressive,” said Dr. Rathmell. “As investigators, we tend to focus on our own work. But this forum allows us to see the big picture and the field at a higher level … to learn what our colleagues are working on … and to look to ways to collaborate together to tackle this very complex disease. It’s very impressive!”

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