It’s World Lupus Awareness Day

It’s World Lupus Awareness Day – when our community comes together to recognize and energize people battling lupus around the globe while educating and motivating others to lend their support.

What better day to join our new community Forum – a place to unite with YOUR community – people who are facing the same struggles. Where you can share your trials and triumphs, your questions and suggestions. Where you give and receive support, exchange ideas, provide perspective and tell us what really matters to YOU.

Forging meaningful conversation and strategic collaboration is the dynamic propelling the Lupus Research Alliance to fulfill our mission – to transform the lives of people with lupus through the power of science.  Second only to the National Institutes of Health in funding lupus research worldwide, we’re determined to help turn innovative scientific discoveries into safe and effective treatments while advancing toward a cure.  We have brought under one international umbrella every phase of lupus research from novel bench exploration through translational medicine and clinical testing of potential diagnostic tools and therapies. We foster the exchange of experience, insights and perspectives among all those committed to this cause to facilitate greater knowledge and understanding of the disease.

Your voice is vital to this dialogue. Scientific exploration must reflect the priorities of the people it aims to help. Make our community forum your own. Help the lupus community realize this vision.

We look forward to meeting you on the Lupus Research Alliance community forum!

Best regards,

Kenneth M. Farber

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