Lupus Research Program – Driven by LRA Advocacy – Announces 10 New Grant Recipients
Lupus Research Program – Driven by LRA Advocacy – Announces 10 New Grant Recipients

March 19, 2021

Ten new applications for promising scientific studies were just recommended for funding by the Lupus Research Program (LRP) within the Department of Defense!

The dedicated Lupus Research Program was first established in 2017 under the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs operated by the Army Medical Research and Materiel Command in Ft. Detrick, MD. Advocates, along with the Lupus Research Alliance, worked for the creation of this important program focused on supporting innovative and impactful lupus research – and we continue to advocate to maintain and increase its funding. So congratulations to all our advocates for a job well done!

The response from researchers to the Lupus Research Program grant opportunity far exceeded the $10 million in available funds – 68 grant applications were received and 10 were awarded. LRA’s advocacy for Fiscal Year 2022 is requesting that Congress increase the budget to $15 million so more grants can be awarded. Our rationale for this increase takes into account the rising numbers of women in the military as well as the demonstrated increased risk of lupus and other autoimmune diseases resulting from post-traumatic stress disorder, a condition that plagues this population.

Add your voice to the resounding request from the lupus community to increase the budget for Fiscal Year 2022 by $5 million to allow more projects like the 58 that could not be funded to go forward. Our easy-to-use tools put you in direct contact with your senators and representative in the House by email, phone calls and social media.

Here is a summary of the grants recommended for funding by the Lupus Research Program. We are proud to see that the vast majority of the researchers slated to receive funding have been supported by the Lupus Research Alliance grants — we know talent when we see it!

Lupus Research Program FY 2020 Recommended for Funding

FY20 Idea Award
Institution Principal Investigator
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Sladjana Skopelja-Gardner
FY20 Impact Award
Columbia University Medical Center Anca Askanase
Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Anne Davidson
Johns Hopkins University Robert Brodsky
Masonic Medical Research Laboratory Maria Kontaridis
University of California, San Francisco Julie Zikherman
University of Houston Chandra Mohan
University of Massachusetts Medical School Zaida Ramirez-Ortiz
Yale University Vikki Abrahams
FY20 Transformative Vision Award
University of California, San Francisco Patricia Katz


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