January 27, 2023
At 23, Kerry Harrington is running the NYC Half Marathon with LRA’s Team Life Without Lupus for two reasons – to prove to herself that she can despite her recent lupus diagnosis, and to contribute to a charity she believes in.
For months, Kerry fought for a diagnosis. Symptoms including rashes, hair loss and joint pain signaled something was wrong. After blood tests suggested an autoimmune disease, she was referred to rheumatologist who then confirmed it was lupus in July 2022
When she decided to apply to run the NYC Half Marathon coming up March 19 — Kerry looked to join a team that would mean something special to her. “Not only is the Lupus Research Alliance a cause that personally resonates with me, but it is also a group that I can look to for support. I am looking forward to getting involved in other ways after the Marathon.”
Fundraising for LRA’s Team Life Without Lupus has also given Kerry the chance to share her diagnosis with friends and family.
“My close friends and immediate family knew when I was diagnosed, but I took fundraising for the race as an opportunity to be more vocal about my Lupus. I sent texts and emails to other people in my life – personalizing the message to share my diagnoses story and what it means for me. Letting them know how lupus is affecting me has elicited incredibly generous support. I feel it’s important to share my story, and I’ve even made connections to other people dealing with lupus as a result. If I could share one message about my experience, it’s that you should listen to your body and speak up when you think something isn’t right. I hope to inspire others to seek support from doctors if they’re experiencing abnormal symptoms, and to also know they’re not alone.”
Kerry is joined on Team Life Without Lupus by equally dedicated and determined runners who either have lupus or are running in honor of those they love. Click here to support the Team!
And you can be part of our Team. If you are interested in running for lupus research, contact Lana Munoz at LMunoz@lupusresearch.org.