Forum for Discovery
Forum for Discovery

April, 2019

In November, top-flight research scientists, pharmaceutical industry representatives, and advocates met in New York City to take part in the Forum for Discovery on November 28th – 30th, 2018. This annual scientific conference is orchestrated by the Lupus Research

More than 20 Lupus Research Alliance-funded investigators described their latest research in detail, illuminating ways to make cross-sector and cross-discipline partnerships possible. Rich scientific discussions followed as the audience engaged in questions.

Overall, the Forum served as an incubator that sparked ideas for new research directions. Attendees were pleased to hear about the exciting advances in lupus research. Here is a sample of the topic areas that were discussed:
Genetic and Susceptibility
Factors in Lupus
Immune Clearance Defects
Taming Aberrant DC and B Cell Responses
Addressing Adaptive Immunity Defects in Lupus
Novel Therapeutic Approaches and Translational Challenges
Mechanisms and Implications of End Organ Damage

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