Lupkynis® (voclosporin) Granted Marketing Authorization in the European Union for Lupus Nephritis
Lupkynis® (voclosporin) Granted Marketing Authorization in the European Union for Lupus Nephritis

September 21, 2022

Lupkynis® (voclosporin) was just granted marketing authorization in the European Union as a new treatment for adults with lupus nephritis, the kidney damage associated with lupus.  The drug had also been approved this past January in the U.S. to treat adults with lupus nephritis in combination with a background immunosuppressive medication in the U.S.

Affecting about half of all people with lupus, lupus nephritis is one of the most common and dangerous complications of lupus in which the kidneys become inflamed. When the kidneys become inflamed (nephritis), they can’t effectively get rid of waste products and other toxins from the body. While there is usually no pain associated with nephritis, some patients may notice dark urine and swelling around their eyes, legs, ankles or fingers. Typically, an abnormal urine or blood test is the only indication of kidney disease. But because the kidneys are so important to overall health, lupus patients with kidney disease generally require intensive drug treatment to help prevent permanent damage.

Click here for announcement press release from Aurinia Pharmaceuticals.

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