LRA Welcomes Positive Results with Anifrolumab for Reducing Lupus Flares
LRA Welcomes Positive Results with Anifrolumab for Reducing Lupus Flares

May 13, 2021

A new study analyzing data from two large clinical trials showed that the investigational therapy anifrolumab reduced flares in people with moderate to severe lupus while allowing lowered steroid use.

The study was published in the professional journal Lupus by top lupus researchers, several of whom are leaders in the Lupus Clinical Investigators Network (LuCIN) managed by the Lupus Research Alliance affiliate Lupus Therapeutics.

Results from the Phase 3 TULIP-1 and TULIP-2 trials of anifrolumab as a treatment for people with moderate to severe lupus were analyzed to determine its effect on flares, and particularly those caused when steroid doses are lowered.

The new data shows that anifrolumab lowered the rates of flares and lengthened the time it took to develop a flare. Also, few people had one or more flares.  Of patients who had been able to reduce their dose of steroids over time, 40% of those given anfirolumab did not have a flare compared with 17.3% of those given placebo.

Researchers concluded that anifrolumab reduces flares while allowing steroid doses to be lowered.

In development by AstraZeneca, anifrolumab is under consideration by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a potential treatment for moderate to severe systemic lupus erythematosus.

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