Welcome to the Lupus Research Alliance community!

Welcome to our lupus community online forum, where people with lupus and those who hope to learn more about lupus can connect with one another for information and support. This site was developed so that you can share your experiences, insights, stories, ask questions, and learn from others who have had similar experiences.

This forum is a public space. Posts that are not listed in the “Private” discussion area are searchable online to enable others with the same questions to find and join the community. If you would like to protect your privacy and remain anonymous you can select an alias as your username.

Join us! Don’t be afraid to join in conversations in the forums, or to start your own discussion. Maybe post a quick hello introducing yourself to get started.

Respect others. Please be considerate of all posters on this forum. We are a diverse community of people.  Everyone is welcome and has the right to participate. You may not always agree with another’s opinion or everything that you read, but please be respectful and polite in any posts you make.

Moderators reserve the right to edit, move, close, and delete discussions seen as obscene, vulgar, immoral, libelous, or contains language which is offensive to any racial, ethnic, or religious group, is intended to harass, embarrass, or injure any person, or contains private or confidential information about another person.

The aim of moderation is not censorship, but to ensure that the online network meets its legal responsibilities and remains a safe and friendly space for all community participants.

Medical advice. Sharing personal experiences is encouraged, but everyone’s experience with lupus is unique.  What works for one person may not work for another. For medical concerns, always speak to your primary healthcare physician or provider. Lupus Research Alliance does not endorse the suggestions found on the forum unless noted as certified content from the organization.

Follow the rules. By posting to this forum, you agree to abide by our Terms of Use and your privacy will be protected in accordance with our privacy policy.

If you have any questions about the community guidelines, you can email community@lupusresearch.org.

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