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Tag: Virginia Pascual

Pivotal LRA-Funded Research Shared at Annual Rheumatology Meeting

November 15, 2021 The Lupus Research Alliance (LRA) supports research into causes and mechanisms of lupus, and identification of targets supporting the development of new therapies or cures for lupus patients. At this year’s meeting of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), 17 LRA-funded researchers presented their work to share discoveries with the thousands of […] Read More

New Biomarker Research Fast-Tracked

July 30, 2019 Progentec Diagnostics announced it has been awarded a Fast-Track Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for new biomarker research. The grant has the potential to provide $1.7 million in resources supporting clinical research to see how well lab tests based on biomarkers in the blood […] Read More

LRA-Funded Researchers Present Cutting-Edge Science at FOCIS

July 11, 2019 The annual meeting of the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies (FOCIS) is the key forum for translational immunology. The Lupus Research Alliance (LRA) is proud to co-sponsor this meeting, which allows researchers and clinicians to share knowledge across disease borders and to chart the path to the next major breakthroughs in disease […] Read More

Discovering Lupus Heterogeneity

May 22, 2019 Lupus is heterogeneous, meaning that symptoms are many and vary widely from patient to patient — one person may develop a rash, while another may have high blood pressure, joint pain, and anemia. About two thirds of adults with lupus have above-normal levels of immune system molecules called type I interferons that […] Read More

Gene Changes Key to Successful Pregnancy in Lupus

April 29, 2019 Pregnant women with lupus are more likely to suffer complications than those who don’t. Lupus Research Alliance Scientific Advisory Board members Dr. Virginia Pascual, Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine; and Dr. Jane Salmon, Collette Kean Research Professor  at Hospital for Special Surgery, and their colleagues asked if testing the blood, of pregnant […] Read More
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